30 January 2011

Woo hoo Ran again

This time with the dog and only just over a mile... But I am trying to stay positive- it was SOMETHING!  Ran more than I walked (yeah!).  And I did some core work (which I DESPERATELY need!!)

Tomorrow is back to work for the first time in 5 days- I don't even want to think about how much work I have to do.  I am ignoring the forecasters who say there is another mess coming in Tuesday- I really don't want to miss more school days.  It is the end of the semester which is a NIGHTMARE time for counselors anyway with students needing new classes, or wanting new classes... Topped off with next year course selections - AHHH!!  *whew* that felt good to get out before I go back tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the last day for me to finish this 5k!!
  I had better get my butt in gear!!!

Off to get ready for my work week- may it not be interrupted with snow, ice or any such crazy weather.

29 January 2011

Snow, Snow, and finally a Run!

We have had an interesting week... a foot of snow and a 5 day weekend! The first snow day was nice- the second we were getting on each others nerves and by the end of Friday I was starting to panic about any work I have piling up! But we did have some fun!!

Munchkin' s Snowman masterpiece - the funniest thing- later that night taking Gir out - he freaked out and barked and barked...

I did get some things done- cleaned a little, re-organized some more (I don't think I will EVER get this tiny house organized the way I like it).. and worked on my online class a bit. So I don't feel like these days off were a total waste. I really am not looking forward to being in school until July though. The weather forecasters keep scaring me with "more winter weather headed to the Mid Atlantic" - ummm no I have had enough winter.. bring on the spring now please!!

And today our running skirts came in I ordered Munchkin and I matching skirts! I need to lose 5 pounds for me to feel totally
comfortable in mine (ordered a different skirt than last time and this one fits differently). But Munchkin is ADORABLE!!
So we headed out for a run this evening. I have been doing more speed walking than running- but Munchkin LOVES
to run.. So she was off.. and I was behind. There is nothing better for a mom's self esteem than her 7 year old to tell her she needs to practice more -and maybe try to lose that weight you are always talking about- that would help you keep up too... Ahhh yes that was awesome! It was close to dark and we
didn't have good reflective gear on- so we only did .60 of a mile. It was enough that I wanted to go back out, and I see the need to get my butt out there more before this 5K in.. gasp 5 or 6 weeks!!

Maybe one day I can keep up - or even Pass the 7 year old!! *sigh*

24 January 2011


I just found this card in Munchkin's room (I wonder why she had it!)

And it sums up my attitude this week - one that I hope I can keep...

Another week

Make it through the weekend! Munchkin and I were a little grumpy with each other for a bit- but we made it through our girls night and sleepover.

I received all the materials for my online class - I admit I thought it was going to be kind of easy... HA! I don' think it will be extremely hard- but I am actually going to have to read the books and think a little bit in my responses. Hopefully I will learn a little too.

Didn't walk or run today at all :( Tomorrow I am going to though! At work the PE teacher is going to open the weight room once or twice a week for faculty to use- I think I am going to try to make a point to go; maybe drag a coworker or two along. I am definitely a social gym person- I need friends with me!

Munchkin just came in while I was writing and picked out every single typo -- gotta love smart 7 year olds!
Her joke of the day yesterday:

"Mommy how do you wake up Lady Gaga?"


Ha ha ha munchkin- that was a good one!

Now she came in with her pajamas inside out- she is really hoping for a big snow this week! I am hoping for a big snow next week... I could use a day off.

21 January 2011


It has been a long two weeks... I took over testing for my school this year- and these last two weeks were the MD High School Assessments for the January Term... AHHH!! It is much more stress than I thought it would be! Put on top of that two snow days and two delay days where I had to figure out what to do with testing rooms, teachers, etc - I have never been more glad for a week to end!

On top of that it is my maudlin time of the year anyway... There is just something about winter- when the earth dies - that makes me miss Geoff more than usual... A more constant dull ache in my heart for 2 months or so. I always figure it goes along with winter- dark, cold, makes death and loss more real and in the forefront.

I have been walking more - a sort of speed walking with random bots of running thrown in. Nothing official or huge yet- but enough that I haven't totally given in to sadness or depression. Which is very nice! I have even been attempting to reorganise some parts of the house that I just don't like.. OK - some of the organising is self-serving... I picked out two treadmills (one cheap one not so cheap - depends on tax returns) so I am trying to figure out where one can go in this old small house...

On top of it all- I am taking online grad courses. I have to take a few to keep up certification, and I want to try to get my Master's Plus 30 in before the county does away with the raise for it! I only need 7 credits, so I found an online professional development college that my system accepts, and signed up to take three in a row. I am giving myself 6 weeks to finish one before the other starts. I am hoping getting my brain a little in gear helps me get moving. I got my books for the first class today!

J is gone this weekend- he is helping chaperone the youth group trip. I wish I had gone- I dont' get away and do fun things like that enough... I am a little envious- I have always wanted to be more involved- the three girls I mentor all went; but somehow he is one of the main adults helping with stuff now! How did that happen!!

Munchkin and I have been having a good girls and GIR (the dog) weekend though! We are going to watch a movie and have a sleepover tonight!! :)

12 January 2011

To be a runner or not....

I walked my first half marathon last year - The VA Beach Shamrock Half in March 2010. It was sort of on a lark. A few friends from church had decided to go (they are "real" runners) and one of the wives doesn't run, but was going to walk... she asked if I would walk with her... "sure I will" I said- and then realised that yes- that is over 13 MILES... I was 50 pounds more than I wanted to be- hadn't REALLY worked out seriously in years -- but I do like to walk and hike...

I found a training plan and from November to March trained (not all the time, but most of it)...

We walked it in 3.34.. Could have been a little faster but I cramped up in my left calf from miles 9-11 then it just ached... But the experience- AWESOME! EVERY person out there was awesome- the people you walked past that chatted with you as you walked, the people cheering on the sides; the hysterical TNT banana, gorilla, etc... The most amazing thing to me was when we were at about mile 11 or 12 - I am thinking -- good grief I should not have skipped out on some of those longer walk (I did do my 10 miler though!) -- and the marathoners started running by - you know the people that were going to run TWICE what i was WALKING... they were already at mile 15 or so - I was at mile 11.5 -- AND THEY were cheering US on as they ran by!!!! Holy cow!! What awesome camaraderie! It blew me away.. It was about that point- at the same point I was wondering why on earth I decided to do this- that I started thinking about becoming a runner.. I wanted to belong to this group of people - that cheered for strangers- that cheered for newbies and walkers the same way they cheered for the dude that ran 26.2 miles in less than I walked 13.1!!

Over the last 10 months I have thought about it- started running, stopped running, started again - had my first asthma attack ever- got scared - stopped... Half way started again but not with the same commitment I trained for that walking half...

Now it is time again- the same group (this time with two less runners as we will have two newborns going with us) are going again. I put off signing up for the half again- (money worries and being nervous that I couldn't run it) until it was too late..
But there is a Shamrock 8K... I think I could do that.. I could run that smaller race- have a smaller goal to learn to run (NOT WALK) that smaller distance... Still participate in the weekend, still get a goody bag, still have a weekend away.. I think I could do that.
I have to decide soon before THAT race fills...

The Early Year Races I am thinking about doing this year:

12-14 Feb 2010Virtual LUV Day Run (World Day run)
- Just to get myself a mini goal in Feb

13 March 2011 Baltimore St Patty's

19 March 2011 Shamrock 8K

2 April 2011 Frederick Wild Women 8K

13 April 2011 - Main Street Mile with munchkin

1 May 2011 - Gettysburg North/South relay
*if I can get a team together

7 May Flower and Jazz 5k

Hopefully having a plan and races to look forward to will help me!

Now I just have to eat better! Baby steps!!!!!!!!!!

03 January 2011

101 in 1001

101 in 1001

Start date: 3 January 2010

End Date: 30 September 2013


  1. Create a blog (3 January 2010)
  2. Post on blog every week
  3. Re-read or read classic literature
    1. Shakespeare
    2. Austen
    3. Dickens
    4. Hemmingway
    5. 3 other books
  4. Finish all my half done scrapbooks
  5. Live with 35 articles of clothing for a month
  6. After #5 pare down wardrobe and donate/sell as much as possible
  7. Drink a bottle of wine from every continent (2 / 6* no Antartica)
    1. North America – Many
    2. South America -
    3. Africa
    4. Europe
    5. Asia
    6. Australia - Shiraz
  8. Using Tim Gunn Essentials List as blueprint; redo wardrobe
  9. Get a pedicure every 5 weeks in summer
  10. Be adventurous with hair at least once
  11. Save up $1,000 and go on a clothing shopping spree
  12. Attend 1 event for every team/organization at my school:
    1. Football
    2. Girls Soccer
    3. Boys Soccer
    4. Field Hockey
    5. Volleyball
    6. Golf
    7. Girls Basketball - 21Jan11
    8. Boys Basketball
    9. Wrestling
    10. Cheerleading Competition
    11. Track
    12. Tennis
    13. Girls Lax
    14. Boys Lax
    15. Softball
    16. Baseball
    17. Play - 6Jan10
    18. Chorus Concert
    19. Band Concert
    20. It’s Academic competition
    21. Art Show
    22. Dance-21Jan11
    23. ROTC event
  13. Counting above as 4 total numbers
  14. – above
  15. – above

Family & Home

  1. Develop and use effective household filing system
  2. Use household binder regularly
  3. Create habit - weekly to do list with review of list at week’s end
  4. Clean & organize Basement
  5. Clean and Organize Attic
  6. Clean and Organize Spare Room-22Jan11
  7. Complete a house de-clutter day every 2 months
  8. Hold a garage sale twice a year
  9. Complete on time Spring and Fall Cleaning with in 12 months
  10. Utilize OAMC cooking strategies (work on saving time and $)
  11. research and utilize 3 Green household ideas
  12. Create a family mission statement
  13. Hold weekly family fun nights – munchkin led
  14. Go on a couples date night every month(1/33)
  15. Go away with J overnight twice a year
  16. attend a marriage seminar/retreat/weekend
  17. Go on a canoe/kayaking trip
  18. Go hiking 5 times
  19. Make a list of what I like about J and munchkin and share it with them


  1. Hold an annual picnic
  2. Hold a munchkin play date quarterly (1/13)
  3. Do something secretly awesome for 5 friends
  4. Send appreciation cards to 10 people with reasons I appreciate them in my life
  5. Cook a meal for a friend who is stressed out
  6. Go with N the next time asked – even if I hate it
  7. Volunteer to babysit for friends so they can have date night (0/10)


  1. Pay off debt
  2. Triple savings
  3. Sponsor another child CI or WV
  4. Anonymously help someone in need
  5. $5 in savings for each goal met(1/101)
  6. $2 in munchkins account for every goal met(1/101)
  7. Pay for Christmas and vacations in cash
  8. Begin to save for Madagascar trip
  9. Pay cash for everything for one month
  10. Go grocery shopping twice a month only for three months
  11. Spend LESS each time I grocery shop for 4 trips


  1. Memorize 20 Bible verses that are important to me (1 / 20)
  2. Truly Tithe for 6 month
  3. Complete a family devotional
  4. Hold a consistent Family Devotion Time
  5. Complete Chaos to Calm study
  6. Create a prayer space and hold consistent prayer time
  7. donate to local food pantry/shelter quarterly
  8. Unceasingly pray for requests (0/5)
  9. Leave 5 Operation Beautiful notes


  1. Take 5 grad classes toward certification
  2. Begin NBCT
  3. Begin NCC
  4. take a wine tasting class
  5. Learn and Make a new all natural recipe every month
  6. Watch 20 movies from AFI 100 Greatest American Films
  7. Write a grant
  8. Learn to play guitar with munchkin
  9. Read 5 non-fiction books on 5 different topics
  10. Learn to do basic plumbing repairs
  11. Learn to do basic Car maintenance
  12. Donate 5,000 grains of rice on Freerice.com


  1. Lose 25 pounds and keep it off for 10 months
  2. Run without walking a 5k
  3. mostly run a half-marathon
  4. Run a sub 2:30 half marathon
  5. PR Annapolis Zooma 10k
  6. Warrior Dash
  7. Take a Zumba or Yoga Class
  8. Complete the 100 pushup challenge
  9. Complete the 200 sit-up Challenge
  10. Eat Vegan for 5 days (can be non-consecutive)
  11. Fast 24-48 hours ever quarter
  12. Drink only water for 3 weeks (can be non-consecutive)
  13. transition family to all whole grains
  14. transition to less carbs, low meat, paleo type diet
  15. buy low to no processed foods for a month
  16. Join a CSA – use all foods
  17. Learn to use more fresh foods/Herbs
  18. Plant an herb garden


  1. Visit Las Vegas
  2. Visit New Orleans
  3. Take Munchkin to Boston
  4. Take munchkin to Williamsburg
  5. Take Munchkin to Creation Museum
  6. Go on a family Cruise
  7. Go on a mission trip
  8. Visit BIL/SIL and family in WA state
  9. Visit sister in WI every year
  10. Go White water rafting

Intro :)

After months of reading other blogs, I am going to attempt my own. I have been wanting to start a 101 in 1001 list, and with the Christmas Holiday I actually had time to compile my list.

Item #1 is start a blog- so here it is...
I hope you enjoy my ramblings, ponderings, and all that comes with it ;)